lullaby of resemboll

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

The Presentation of Group Four

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

This is The Presentation Of The Fourth Group, they were doing a presentation about Creating captions, and this is the video of their opening anthem that we all sang together, 

Dari yakinku teguh
Hati ikhlasku penuh
Akan karuniamu
Tanah air pusaka
Indonesia merdeka
Syukur aku sembahkan
KehadiratMu Tuhan

Dari yakinku teguh
Cinta ikhlasku penuh
Akan jasa usaha
Pahlawanku yang baka
Indonesia merdeka
Syukur aku hanjukkan
Ke bawah duli tuan

Dari yakinku teguh
Bakti ikhlasku penuh
Akan azas rukunmu
Pandu bangsa yang nyata
Indonesia merdeka
Syukur aku hanjukkan
Kehadapanmu tuan

That is the opening song of their presentation, they also gave us a short movie, the title is "Listen To Me" 

The Synopsis of this short movie is about a deaf girl who accepted much of bullying, that contains her deafness, she felt alone and wantes to end her life, but everything changed when she met the person who is also have a difference like her, so she didn't felt alone. 

"Indonesian Forests Are Burning, Malaysia and Singapore Are Chocking On The Fumes"
Malaysian authorities distributed half a million face masks to residents on Tuesday after a large scale forests fire in Indonesia spread smoke and thick smog to neighbouring countries. 
Intense forests fire have raged across the Indonesian regions of Kalimantan and Sumatra in recent week. More than 93.000 hectares of land have been burned, hundreds of residents evacuated, and more than 9.000 personel have been deployed to battle the flames, According to CNN Indonesia.

 This is the slideshows from their presentation, it was abouf creating caption, we need this when we wanted to write a caption for a newspaper or magazine, a caption must be interesting and also attractive, when we wanted to wrote a caption, we need to know what are the aspects for writing captions, such as we need to add picture to it, as attractive as we could, or maybe the words on it too, it has to be attractive so that the reader could be attracted to the caption we made, and could also read the article that we added caption on. 

Finally, when they had finished explaining their subject, they showed us the closing anthem of their presentation, The song was "Ayo Mama" 

This is the video of the class singing that song, 

Ayo Mama 
Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Dia cuma, dia cuma pegang beta
Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Lah orang muda punya biasa

Ayam hitam telurnya putih
Mencari makan di pinggir kali
Sinyo hitam giginya putih
Kalau ketawa manis sekali

Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Dia cuma, dia cuma pegang beta
Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Lah orang muda punya biasa

Lembe-lembe makan ketupat
Kondo bujang di air mangir
Mambu reweh mau bersumpah
Lah ingat bujang terlalu manis

Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Dia cuma, dia cuma pegang beta
Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Lah orang muda punya biasa

That's it for today's blog, See you on the next page! 

wassalamualaikum wr.wb 

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